Nuclear energy information portal launched by University of Tartu

Thursday, March 27, 2008

TALLINN, March 19 (LETA) – The University of Tartu launched an independent information portal, writes Postimees Online.

The objective of the internet portal is to increase awareness of Estonian population on the issue of nuclear energy.

In the portal readers will be able to receive information about the essence, history and future of nuclear power plants as well as other matters. Several researches on nuclear energy carried out in Estonia as well as abroad will be viewed as well.

The director of the Institute of Technology of the University of Tartu Erik Puura stated that informing and including the public as well as answering their questions is extremely necessary as there are no perfect choices in this matter.

“We will have to look for answers in the triangle with the three aspects of price, environmental pollution and environmental risks and security,” he noted.

The operators of the portal urge other universities and research and development institutions as well as State authorities, entrepreneurs and other possible partners to get involved in the portal.

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