
Reactor trip due to steam generator level low-low signal

Kori unit 2 was operated at the rated power. During normal operation of the plant, MFIV (Main Feedwater Isolation Valve) "A" was closed by the malfunction of the pressure switch connected to solenoid valve for MFIV movement controls. The closure of MFIV made reactor trip due to steam generator level low-low signal eventually. After investigation, it was found that the actuating set point of pressure switch had drifted to downward.
There was no release of radioactive materials outside the reactor building and no unplanned exposure to employees.
Justification: As full safety functions were available, the event is rated at level "0" as per User's manual Part III, Table II, A1

Location: KORI-2
Event date: Tue, 18-06-1996
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation