
RCIC turbine insulation fire

Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) Turbine insulation caught fire. Improperly completed maintenance on the RCIC turbine caused a bearing oil leak that soaked the turbine insulation. The oil soaked insulation was heated to combustion by a leaky steam admission valve. An operator on a routine tour noted what he thought to be steam or smoke emanating from the RCIC turbine. He returned a few minutes later with another operator and began to investigate by removing a piece of the insulation. This act allowed air to reach the heated oil and the fir started. The fir burned for about 15 seconds and was put out by a portable fire extinguisher. The turbine sustained no damage from the fir.
In accordance with the guidance contained in section III-2.10 of the INES manual, this event was rated using Table 1. Since all safety functions remained fully available, a rating of zero is appropriate.

Location: CLINTON-1
Event date: Mon, 19-08-1996
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation