

Plant was under the 1st refueling operation. Under the reactor vessel situation of 30 deg. C in coolant temperature and 115 feet in coolant level, reactor protection system was tested according to the schedule of overhaul. Soon after removal of the power supply of train "B", Engineered Safety Feature Actuation Signal was generated. All the components related to this signal were actuated. Twelve valves of the safety injection system were opened as designed. Borate d water stored in refuelling water storage tank was flowed into reactor coolant system by gravity and made coolant level increase to 117 feet. As reactor vessel was de-tentioned to prepare refueling, borated water leaked through the flange of reactor vessel. leaked water collected in cavity and returned. In the course of testing, worker has not pushed the reset relay because the step was not contained in the test procedure.
There was no evidence of radioactivity increase in containment and no unplanned exposure to employees.
Even though this kind of event should be rated as "below scale" according to user's manual part III-3.1.1 we gave some concern in this event because it was related with procedures. So, we rated this event as level "0" finally.

Location: YONGGWANG-3
Event date: Tue, 13-02-1996
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation