
Shut down of Rovno NPP unit 2 because of fall of a crane's boom

Status of units before event: Unit 1 is on planned outage, Unit 2 is at rated power, Unit 3 is at 80% of rated power.During dismantling of a crane near Unit 4 (Unit 4 is under construction), the crane's boom felt and damaged control cables of two transformers. As a result of this event 330 kV off-site power was lost and unit`s consumers were automatically switched to 110 kV power supply. However, due to drop in voltage MCPs were switched off, reactor was scrammed and DGs started. No radiactive releases and personnel exposure occurred. Cables ignition was extinguished.

Location: ROVNO-2
Event date: Wed, 11-04-2001
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation