
Overexposure to Radiographer

After performing a radiograph, the radiographer believed he had cranked the source back inside the camera. However, when he went to retrieve the film, he noticed that his survey meter was reading off-scale, and then he noticed that his pocket dosimeter also read off-scale. The radiographer’s whole body dosimetry was sent for processing, which resulted in readings of 114.5 mSv (11.45 rem) deep dose equivalent and 114.9 mSv (11.49 rem) lens dose equivalent. The total effective dose equivalent accrued by the radiographer for the year was 125.8 mSv (12.58 rem). The radiographer has not shown any health effects from this event nor are any expected. NRC EN51537

Location: Pecos, Texas/Nondestructive and Visual Inspection,
Event date: Wed, 11-11-2015
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation